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August 30, 2014

Regrowing Veggies with Kitchen Scraps

Re-grow veggies from kitchen scraps

There are several benefits of regrowing veggies from kitchen scraps. For instance, gardeners who are new and or have considerable time constraints usually find it challenging and time consuming to grow food from seed. Regrowing store bought greens and vegetables from kitchen scraps offer huge time savings and ease. For instance, the shoots seen above took only about 3 to 4 days to grow from nothing. These plants are therefore well on their way to becoming well established faster than otherwise. Furthermore, while some seeds are unavailable from local sources, grocery stores often import their greens and vegetables, for a premium price. Consequently, by re-growing kitchen scraps, you avoid the hassle associated with importing seeds and save money you would have used to buy the imported, not to mention, sub-optimal greens from the grocery store. Besides, the resulting plant will produce the precise vegetable you ate and loved while growing from seeds does not always provide that guarantee.

Regrow Garlic

I selected a few cloves of garlic that had already shown signs of growing shoots even in the refrigerator. I placed them aside on the kitchen counter where they grew much faster and got green. Without removing the paper membrane, I planted them into my garden to cover the bulbs completely. They become well established quickly. Just in case you are wondering, I did not leave them against the window as in the photograph below. I moved the plate, their usual place, next to the window only to allow me to take a photograph with sufficient light.

I was also pleasantly surprised to learn that garlic greens are edible. They are an attractive and tasty addition to homemade garlic butter with olive oil. They taste like a milder form of garlic. Yummy!
GARLIC: Regrow greens and vegetables from kitchen scraps
Regrowing garlic from forgotten cloves of garlic

Regrow Beetroot and Carrots

I tried several methods of growing beetroot scraps. Placing the tops of the beetroot onto moist paper napkin in the initial stages for roughly 4 days before planting them in the ground was my single most successful method. There preparation is not difficult. For instance, the plants below had no foliage when I began the process. In fact, I snipped away any unsightly stumps where the original greens had been.

BTW, I do not do this process for the roots, i.e. the carrots and beetroots but for the greens. After all, carrot and beet greens add great flavor and nutrition to salads and stir fries.
BEETROOT: Regrow greens and vegetables from kitchen scraps
Regrowing carrots (left) and beetroots (right) from kitchen scraps

BEETROOT: Regrow greens and vegetables from kitchen scraps

Just for your information, I tried to get the carrot and beetroot tops started in bowls with water. While this seemed to work better for the carrots as in the image below, the beetroot tops quickly developed a foul odor and formed an unsightly pink and gray foam when submerged in the water. I have therefore concluded that it is better to place vegetable tops on moist paper as shown above.

Regrow carrot scraps
Regrowing carrots from kitchen scraps


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